Your child’s education shouldn’t just stop at the end of term. When the summer term draws to a close, amongst the excitement of summer graduations, we should ask ourselves how we can cultivate our young person’s mind whilst still giving them that much needed break. Especially for those who have just taken exams.
Recommended books for teenagers
The focus should be on relaxation and enjoyment and a bit of reading can go a long way without the constant pressures of the school day and homework. It’ll keep them engaged whilst enabling them to recharge before September. Here’s some recommended reading:
– I Am Thunder by Muhammad Khan
– The Girl with the Red Balloon by Katherine Locke
– La Belle Sauvage: The Book of Dust Volume One by Philip Pullman
– Eve of Man by Tom & Giovanna Fletcher
– Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
– Batman: Nightwalker (DC Icons series) by Marie Lu
– Catwoman: Soulstealer (DC Icons series) by Sarah J Maas
– This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada
Late applications to UK Boarding Schools
And how about those of you who would actually like to accelerate your child’s education? Have you recently decided that you’d like to send your child to a UK boarding school and it makes the most sense if it could be this September? There are still spaces available in the UK and we can help, so don’t panic!
Time is of the essence but the process will still be the same and must happen on a faster timeline. A call or meeting to understand needs and requirements of your family and student. Once you have registered with us and we have all the relevant documents/reports we’ll start the process of finding schools, arranging Skype interviews and visits if necessary over the summer holidays. More importantly, if a tier 4 visa is needed that will need to be applied for as quickly as possible so that it can be issued before the beginning of term.
If you’d like to talk to us about organising a UK school for this September, contact us here. Otherwise, happy reading!